Premiere: With Lions Deliver Intoxicating Blues Rocker ‘Fight Back (DestroyBoy remix)’

Crave is proud to exclusively premiere the sensational latest offering from rockers With Lions, who return this Friday with a new LP called Fast Luck – their first offering since 2012’s Equipo EP. Built on the inspiration of rich-blooded cultural roots of old Delta blues heroes, the collection is an exhilarating mix of R&B passion, rhythmic intensity and blues-rock power to kick off 2016 with some true momentum.

With an aesthetic pulled from a dubiously-claimed spiritual elixir named Suerte Rapida, which frontman Woody Ranere discovered on a trip to Panama, Fast Luck finds With Lions at their most potent and raw. This passion is amply evidenced below in the Crave-premiered single, “Fight Back (DestroyBoy remix)” – an infusion of new blood into classic territories resulting in a fantastic blend of sound. The stomp-clap backdrop presents a thrusting melodic rhythm that’s equal parts sexy and dangerous, under a swarming guitar riff and an electrifying gang chorus.

It’s rare to find a band with the ability to thrill, without the voluminous baggage of attitude, ego and indie-darling status inflating their every utterance. Get in on the ground floor with these cats – pre-order Fast Luck on iTunes, and keep up with With Lions on the following socials: Facebook / Twitter


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