Marvel Announces Original Captain America’s Return In New Series

In 2014, Marvel’s original Captain America, Steve Rogers was rendered powerless and forced to relinquish his costume and shield. His former partner, the Falcon a.k.a. Sam Wilson then became the new Captain America, with Steve’s blessing.

During tonight’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years special on ABC, Marvel made the announcement that Steve Rogers will once again be Captain America in a new ongoing series. But instead of simply taking back his shield and costume from Sam Wilson, Rogers is getting a new costume and a new shield while letting Wilson continue on as Captain America as well.

“When Steve handed the shield to Sam, it didn’t come with any caveats. It’s his. Steve respects and admires what his old partner is doing, and wants him to carry on,” said Nick Spencer in an interview with “There are enough problems out there, and enough bad guys, to keep both of them busy. They’ll have very different missions; Sam will continue fighting the battles no one else will go near, while Steve is faced with a resurgent threat from his past: Hydra is back, and stronger than ever.”

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Spencer will remain the writer of the new Captain America series, with incoming artist Jesus Saiz. The story behind Steve Rogers rebirth will unfold in the upcoming Avengers: Standoff crossover, and he will remain in the Uncanny Avengers comic even after he becomes Captain America again.

Marvel didn’t mention when Captain America # 1 will be released, but it’s expected to happen near the premiere of Captain America: Civil War on May 6.

What do you think about the return of Steve Rogers as Captain America? Let us know in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics
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