Hilarious Video Shows Andy Griffith Giving Advice To Cam Newton

In case you missed it, Cam Newton straight up walked out of the post-game press conference following Super Bowl 50 this past Sunday.

Did he have a right to be upset? Of course, he just lost the friggin’ Super Bowl. But the way he brushed off the media and pouted following the game was a bad look.

Especially when a couple of days later his apology included him saying, “I’ve been on record to say I’m a sore loser. Who likes to lose? You show me a good loser and I’m going to show you a loser.”

Yup. There’s a lot of people who aren’t the biggest fans of Cam right now. 

Which brings us to Facebook user, Gilly Kidd, AKA Richard Gilbreath, who was genius enough to find this classic Andy Griffith clip, and then paste Newton’s head into frame.

The result is hilarious. There couldn’t be a more perfect script — it’s almost as if it were written just for the Panthers quarterback. 

The video has over 7 million view in just a few days.



Just made this, Andy Griffith giving Cam Newton some advice

Posted by Gilly Kidd on Monday, February 8, 2016

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports. Follow him on Twitter or like the channel on Facebook

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