WTF?! Kanye Adds Six More Tracks to TLOP, Promises Release Today

Oh, come on now. The day after streaming his new album The Life of Pablo at the Muppets Concentration Camp Yeezy Season 3 fashion show at Madison Square Garden, Kanye West has announced that he’s adding six more tracks to his new album.


We waited all day yesterday for the promised final release, but ‘Ye is insisting the collection will be released today, although he didn’t specify where it’ll be available. He did, however, just promise a return to the G.O.O.D. Friday releases of old.

The fire, as promised:

West has undoubtedly been taking cues from his tabloid-empress wife, playing both media and fans for total reality-show suckers, changing the record’s name every day and pushing homeless-fashion shows on us just to hear the new music. In light of this, as well as the seemingly unending run of updates and changes, we’ll go dark on ‘Ye until dropping our review of his latest.

Because damn. These vapid vampires need not be involved in the conversation. Not this, not any:
















Stay tuned. 

Photo: Johnny Firecloud