Thom Yorke Responds to Frustrated Radiohead Fans After Tickets Sell Out

When Radiohead announced that they would only be playing three live shows in the UK this year, all of which would take place in London’s 1,700 capacity Roundhouse venue, it was inevitable that fans would struggle to get their hands on tickets to the event. While many bemoaned the band’s decision to play less than a handful of shows in their home country, as predicted the majority of those who stuck it out and attempted to obtain tickets as they went on sale earlier today were left empty-handed, with fans taking to social media to air their frustrations.

With the band swiftly becoming a trending topic in the region as complaints flooded in on Twitter, Thom Yorke took to the social networking site in order to state that he is “as fucked off” as the fans regarding the unfortunate situation.

The Roundhouse website struggled under the weight of the demand, with many finding themselves sitting in an online queue that refused to go down, while others reported that their position in the queue actually increased the longer that they remained it. It’s uncertain why exactly Yorke is “fucked off” considering that pretty much everyone was already aware that this would be the case, but the band should perhaps shoulder a sizable portion of the blame considering that they decided to only play three UK dates in a relatively small venue in the capital.

Hopefully the band has some festival dates up their sleeve, so that the fans who didn’t manage to get their hands on tickets this time around will get the opportunity to see them play live elsewhere.

Image Credit: Gary Wolstenholme / Getty Images