Listen, it’s obvious robots are ready, willing, and able to take over the world as soon as they’re charged up. And, with the total decline of earth, it’s more than likely we clean house and start again mechanically, which, if you think about it, might be pretty awesome (sign us up for one copper bladder please). Start becoming proficient in robot odds and ends with the Wacky Robots 5-Pack Bundle: Soldering Practice Kits.
Made by software and hardware gurus CircuitMess Wacky Robots are here to help everyone get a little lesson in robotics. Whether you’re a baby bot enthusiast or a full-grown adult looking for something fun to do with all of that free time WFH affords you, these sets are perfect for hours of tinkering, maneuvering, and learning something new you and your whole family can get into. These are great for everyone ages nine and up and provide hours of enjoyment for the whole fam damily.
So, let’s discuss the robots themselves. You’ll get five of ’em ranging from eight pieces to 16 pieces, depending on which robot you choose to conquer. They all include a coin cell battery and instructions so you’re never rushing to the store of the internet to make sense of next steps. All of the bots have their own separate unique qualities that make them fun to explore with. For instance, the Meet BOB bot has six RGB LEDs that automatically change colors to help the user learn how LEDs work and the Meet CAPACITRON bot has two pushbuttons that will demonstrate capacitor charge and discharge to aid in learning how capacitors work.
Other cool lessons from the remaining robo-friends include the difference between a pushbutton and a switch, intentionally unbalanced motors, and resistance and ohm’s law. It’s almost as if you could have skipped most of high school science (but we’re glad you didn’t, we’re not prepared to teach you anatomy).
Get the Wacky Robots 5-Pack Bundle: Soldering Practice Kits for $49.99.
Prices subject to change.