It Doesn’t Get Much Trashier Than These Facebook Posts

There are certain topics of conversation that are best left to oneself. Namely, all of the following posts that people thought were appropriate to display on Facebook for the world to see. Brace yourselves, for what you are about to witness cannot be unwitnessed. However, you will feel better about your own life when it’s all said and done, so that’s at least something.

Aww, how adorable — I mean, deplorable.
You could have just “Liked” the first comment and called it a day, lady.
You want potential employers to know you’re a caring father, don’t you?
Is it possible she slept with all 10 of them, or was this the only picture she had?
You can always count on the comments section for solid advice you didn’t ask for.
Come on! How were four photos necessary!?
Be thankful you don’t have to see the eight comments.
Really? 17 Likes!?
Jeez, grow up, mom…oh. Gross.
I’ll have to check Reddit, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what dad jokes are.
Points for spelling “diarrhea” right, at least.
I could think of a few off the top of my head that are at least on a par.

via eBaum’s World

They should fit right in with this crowd: Trashy Mom Selfies And Photos That Prove They Suck At Motherhood

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