The Funniest GIFs Of The Week 12-15-16

Last year at about this time, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was hitting theaters. It was a big deal. It’d been nearly 40 years since the original hit theaters in 1977, so people were understandably pretty hyped up for it. As an intermediate Star Wars franchise fan, I figured it’d be fun to do a full GIF gallery dedicated to it. Not to be a big fuddy-duddy, but I was underwhelmed by TFS. I’m not trying to start a fight with Star Wars nerds far and wide (or far, far away if you prefer); I’d simply outgrown it. I was a kid when I saw the originals. I’m an adult now, and I simply didn’t care.

What I’m getting at here is that I’m not getting my hopes up (new hopes, if you prefer) for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Again, I don’t really give a rat’s ass, and probably won’t even see it in theaters this time around. But I get that people care a great deal about it and are going to see it in droves, so I’d be a fool to exclude it entirely from this week’s roundup. But since Rogue One isn’t a true sequel, this won’t be a true Star Wars Edition of funny GIFs sequel, either. You’ll get your precious Star Wars GIFs here and there, but just as bookends. That’s fair, right?

GIFs Of The Week 12-15-16:

Hmm, I guess the new movie is a bit more intriguing than I thought.
You’re grounded…if you’re still alive.
This new personal trainer you hired is a cat-astrophe. (cues laugh track because there is no one anyone found that clever)
Talk about getting off on the wrong foot.
Let the unnecessary political arguments stemming from a clear joke begin.
They tried. Actually, no they really didn’t.
I can think of no better reason to destroy a perfectly good table.
Well, is the cat out of the bag or not?
That’s what you call a slam thunk.
Obvious flop.
Moose are a lot like your grandparents — they hate modern technology.
You know what, I’ve changed my mind. I’m so in on Rogue One.

Seriously though, remember when everyone lost their minds over the fight scene? Now they all say it’s stupid. You can’t trust your opinions of these new movies as far as Yoda can force-throw them.

It’s best to stick with the classics. Like last week’s hilarious GIFs, for example.


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