Portrait of young happy couple laughing and holding sparklers, both wrapped in American flag at sunset in mountains

8 Things That Are Slightly Less Obnoxious Than Fourth of July Firecrackers

Photo: shironosov (Getty Images)

When the Fourth of July rolls around, we have a few expectations. We assume we’ll hear patriotic and American-centric music blasting from all directions. We hope to enjoy grilled meats, at least a few frosty beers, and partake in some classic yard games like bocce, croquet, and corn hole. We also expect the evening to end in a breathtaking fireworks display. We also assume we’ll be completely annoyed by obnoxious people setting off firecrackers randomly throughout the day.

This brings us to one question: Is there anything more annoying and obnoxious than someone setting off firecrackers on the Fourth of July, assuming people actually want their eardrums blown out by their idiotic explosions? Surprisingly, there are a few things more obnoxious. Keep scrolling to reveal eight things that are even worse.


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