10 Videos Of People Vs. Electric Fences

Electric fences are great for keeping intruders off your property, but do they provide any entertainment value? Can you learn anything from them? I’m happy to report, after watching these videos from YouTube, “yes” and “yes.” It’s fun to watch your friends get shocked, and they’ll teach you life’s greatest lesson: Never touch a f***ing electric fence. Here are 10 videos of people vs. electric fences…


The Science Of The Electric Fence

Mr. Wizard taught them well.


Farm Kid Dared To Hold Electric Fence

Yes, eventually, they do turn it on.


Girlfriend vs. Girlfriend – Invisible Electric Fence

It wasn’t the dog collar… it was electricity ghosts!


TV Reporter Tries To Climb Electric Fence

This just in: Electric fences are bad to touch. More at 11.


Electric Fence Dance

Can’t touch this!


Man Demonstrates Invisible Fence Dog Collar

“It wasn’t so bad to tell the truth. In fact, I kinda got off.”


Security Camera Footage: Peeing On Electric Fence

He may have gotten injured, but at least the spark looked cool.


High Schoolers Touch The Electric Fence

Start at 1:00. This is the future of America.


Family Gets Zapped

April was right to be hesitant.


Peeing On An Electric Fence

In case the other video wasn’t proof enough, it’s time for the definitive test.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.


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