10 Parodies Of Disney Princesses

What’s the most magical, fantastical place in the whole world? It’s definitely not YouTube, that place is f***ed up. One of the internet’s favorite memes is Disney Princesses, and seeing what they’d be like in the real world. I guess it’s easier to be super sweet in a world where birds and squirrels bring you your clothes every day? Here are 10 parodies of Disney Princesses:


If Disney Cartoons Were Historically Accurate

Bonjour! Bonjour! Bon–* (Dies)


Disney Princess Spring Breakers Trailer

I knew that sand spelled sex, but no one believed me!


Advice For Young Girls From Belle

So… are all candlesticks French?


Hipster Disney Princess – The Musical!

I’m really into Disney Princesses. You’ve probably never heard of them. Oh, you have? Then, actually, I’m not into them.


The Real Housewives Of Disney

Poor Abu. Good for Iago?


Advice For Young Girls From Snow White

No one ever asks their mirror who’s the bronziest one of all.


After Ever After

Was there any woman in olden times who wasn’t accused of witchcraft?


Advice For Young Girls From The Little Mermaid

aka The Little Hoarder.


Disney’s Game Of Thrones – Princess Daenerys

A musical number would be a nice refresher after the 300th Theon torture scene.


Disney’s Princess Ke$ha

When someone tells you their friends are “s***y,” consider taking the expression at face value.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!