Sure, because beating the crap out of cyber-opponents in ridiculously gruesome ways is just a heck of a lot of fun.
But we also have to give Mortal Kombat its due for extending beyond the basic fight-fight-kill mentality…it taught us many valuable life lessons about the human condition.
It taught us that punching a guy in his junk is totally OK. It taught us that a personal mantra of “finish him” is also totally OK.
And it taught us that spleen is a dish best served raw and freshly ripped from its suddenly spleen-less host.
Yes, there is a lot more eating in Mortal Kombat than you might realize — so that’s why Thrillist put together a complete list of everything and everyone (eww!) eaten in the seminal series. And there are probably a lot more instances of food-related Kombat-ery than you think.