After much begging, mom finally broke down and brought home one of those sugar-saturated, grossly-overpriced, ridiculously sought after breakfast cereals that we’d been screaming for.
You know which cereals we’re talking about…it’s all the usual suspects: Froot Loops, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms — the big guns.
Only, mom called an audible at the line…and she brought home the generic substitute store brand version of that cereal you expected to plan your mornings around.
Yes, your mother gave you life, tended to your every need and basically is the only reason you survived the first 10 years of your existence.
But in that moment, as you stare at that nondescript bag of Fruit Rings or Marshmellow Treats or whatever…in that moment, your mother has become the worst person who ever lived.
Or maybe that was just me…
Either way, the store shelf battle of brand icons Toucan Sam, Tony the Tiger and the rest against their cut-rate, no-frills counterparts begs the question: are generic cereals ACTUALLY worth it? Does the savings justify jettisoning all the pretty package trappings that General Mills or Kellogg or whoever put into the big name cereals? And bottom line: do they taste good enough that you really can’t tell much difference?
The intrepid investigators over at Thrillist took up the challenge. They examined six of the biggest sweetened cereals out there and tested them against their generic rivals.
We don’t wanna get too local-newsy on ya, but we will say this: the results…may shock you.
Head over to Thrillist and see the cereal slugfest results for yourself.