Canadian porn needs more Canadian content… no, it’s not your buddy’s opinion (or maybe it is), but it’s something The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is reporting.
The CRTC has set its sights on three X-rated cable channels: AOV Adult Movie Channel, AOV XXX Action Clips and AOV Maleflixxx, owned by the Toronto company Channel Zero, who are required to air 35 per cent Canadian programming over the broadcast year with 90 per cent of its content having closed captioning (Postmedia). As part of proposed licence renewals, in April the CRTC will hear evidence of this purported non-compliance.
The CRTC is an administrative tribunal that regulates and supervises broadcasting and telecommunications in the public interest. They supervise and regulate over 2,000 broadcasters, including TV services, AM and FM radio stations, and the companies that own these entities.
Photo: CRTC