10 Die Hard Parodies

This blog post has been taken over by terrorists! Wait, who said they were terrorists? Maybe they’re just a bunch of tricky German guys. Anyway, I’d better grab some guns, take off my shoes and deal with this mess. Yippee-ki-yay, mother­– *EXPLOSION* Here are 10 Die Hard parodies:


Die Hard With Pugs

Holly is a real looker in this version.


Die Hard, Interrupted

They need to secure those walkie talkie lines better.


Honest Action – Die Hard

Welcome to my funeral, pal.


Rejected Pitches – Die Hard

She’s always making loafer-based suggestions.


A Die Hard Christmas Party With Reginald VelJohnson

It’s not a movie… it’s a crazy way of life?


Tiny Power – Die Hard 8-Bit

We’ll get together, have a few laughs, play Nintendo…


Die Hard – Glass On The Floor

It’ll take 2 minutes. Less if we all pitch in and sweep together.


All Nighter III: Hans Gruber (Die Hard Parody)

Who said we were terrorists? We’re a bunch of dudes sweding a movie.


Honest Action – Die Hard 2-5

He doesn’t just die hard. He dies often!


A Good Day To Get Hard (Die Hard Parody Remix)

It’s the police sex tips hotline.


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.

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