PaleyFest 2014: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Cast & Creator Interviews

Photo Credit: Kevin Parry for Paley Center for Media

On Wednesday night, The Paley Center for Media devoted a night of their annual PaleyFest to Fox’s “Sleepy Hollow.” We were on the red carpet to ask the stars and creators of the show what’s coming up for their second season, and look back on their first season. 

Tom Mison

Photo Credit: Michael Bulbenko ​for Paley Center for Media

Tom Mison plays Ichabod Crane, the main character of the original Washington Irving story. Ichabod has spent the last year living in the present day, partnered with Lt. Abbie Mills, creating an endless array of fish out of water jokes. When we last left Ichabod, his wife Katrina was now in the present, but Abbie has been sent to Purgatory. 
CraveOnline: What was your favorite “Ichabod reacts to the present” joke?
Tom Mison: I loved Yolanda. I think Yolanda, there’s such an endearing thing about his conversation with OnStar that seemed to have chimed with an audience as well, and that lingers. Most of them, like at the very beginning with the donut holes, the tax. That stuck with me. That’s a good one.
How is the dynamic different in season two now that both Katrina and Jenny are in play?
Tom Mison: Well, there are more ladies for people to ship Ichabod with. 
Can you tease any moments from season two?
Tom Mison: I wish I could. So far it’s only been ideas that I’m aware of. I’m waiting for the scripts as much as everyone else.
Is Ichabod more concerned with saving his wife or redeeming his son?
Tom Mison: Or saving Abbie? There are three things that he’s got to do, so yeah, what’s his priority going to be? That’s something that really interests me about where season two will pick up, is that he’s got to start prioritizing which is something that he hasn’t been very good at in season one. 
What was your favorite monster from the first season?
Tom Mison: The Sandman. The really good thing about the show is we have a guy, Cory Castellano, who actually does all of the makeup and the costumes so we have them right there. The first time I saw The Sandman with no eyes and his long fingers, I sh*t myself. It was terrifying, terrifying. 

Orlando Jones

Photo Credit: Kevin Parry for Paley Center for Media

Orlando Jones plays Captain Frank Irving, the man who made it Abbie’s responsibility to take care of Ichabod. Now that Irving’s seen the Headless Horseman and the supernatural elements of Sleepy Hollow, he’s in jail to keep his daughter from being charged with a murder she committed while possessed. Jones walked the read carpet wearing a Free Frank Irving T-shirt featuring his character’s mug shot.
Captain Irving kind of missed the whole finale. What was up with that?
Orlando Jones: I went to jail. I don’t want to be a cliche, which is why I’m wearing my Free Irving T-Shirt. We’ve got to break this guy out of prison. Normally I don’t advocate breaking random black guys out of prison, but this random black guy isn’t real, so it’s totally legal that we could do this. I need your help. 
So how soon do you think we’ll see him out of jail and back in the mix?
Orlando Jones: I really don’t know actually. Ask Alex and Bob and Len and let me know. I’m not exactly sure but I’ll be just excited to clean up the mess that we created at the end of the season finale and get him started on the new journey.
Do you think Irving has feelings for Jenny? It seemed like there was attraction.
Orlando Jones: It’s not that I have feelings for Jenny as much as I’m obsessed with Jenny. It’s a totally different thing. I’m obsessed with Jenny. She’s beautiful and she handles a gun really well. What’s there not to love? 
Is that where Irving stands?
Orlando Jones: I’d like to think so. 
How does Irving feel about Abbie and Ichabod now that he knows they’re not crazy?
Orlando Jones: Wow, you know what? I know that they’re not crazy when it comes to the Headless Horseman. I don’t know that I’m 100% convinced that he’s 250 years old, but hey, that’s another story.
What more do you need?
Orlando Jones: You know, Irving is a pragmatic guy with a stick way up his tuchus, so I think he needs all of it laid out. I’ve seen the Headless Horseman. I have not been back 250 years, so that’s different.
Can Irving protect his family now that he knows about the Headless Horseman?
Orlando Jones: I certainly hope so. I think one of the fun themes of the show is that we all really are sort of a family that’s been broken and twisted and turned by all these various events. Protecting your family is I think a father’s greatest joy and greatest fear. So hopefully I’ll be able to do that, but thus far I’m not doing a great job.
What were your favorite moments from the first season?
Orlando Jones: I really like actually the relationship that has come out of the two sisters and how they’ve had to work through getting to know each other. Obviously the teamwork between Abbie and Ichabod is really fun and cool to watch, their interplay. Those are my most fun things about the season I think.
Do you have any favorite monsters you’d like to have an encounter with besides the Headless Horseman?
Orlando Jones: Wow, yeah. Moloch I think I need to have a conversation with because I don’t think he flosses. A guy with horns doesn’t floss. I need to talk to him about his dental hygiene. 

Lyndie Greenwood

Photo Credit: Michael Bulbenko ​for Paley Center for Media

Lyndie Greenwood plays Jenny, Abbie’s sister, who has become a larger part of the story. I just barely got two questions in with her before she was pulled away, and she made them worth it. 
How will it change the dynamic now that Jenny’s in the mix with Ichabod, Abbie and Katrina?
Lyndie Greenwood: Interesting, I haven’t been asked that yet. We saw a little bit of the trio dynamic with Abbie and Ichabod and Jenny in the first season. It was kind of fun. It was like Jenny was this annoying younger sister who was kind of cramping her sister’s style a little bit with Ichabod. But Ichabod and Jenny have a certain camaraderie already I think. I think they respect each other very much and now that Jenny is respecting her sister again, I think it could be a really healthy relationship. But they do say three’s a crowd so I have no idea.
Do you think Captain Irving has feelings for Jenny? There seemed to be some attraction.
Lyndie Greenwood: I know that Jenny and Irving, I believe that they definitely care for each other. When you say romantically, I have no idea but I know that there is something that draws the two to each other and I think that might just be one militant mind meets another militant mind and they respect each other for it. I’m not really sure. 

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