Villains Salute New Jaguar F-Type Coupe in LA

One of the top Super Bowl ads this year featured Sir Ben Kingsley, Tom Hiddleston and Mark Strong suggesting American movies cast Brits as villains in their movies because there’s just something cooler about them.

And, of course, if you’re a cool British villain, you should drive a liquid nitrogen chilly car like the new Jaguar F-Type Coupe.

As part of Britweek 2014, Jaguar brought its eagerly awaited Coupe to the roof of the  London Hotel in Los Angeles, assembling Hollywood’s villains (real and fictitious) to celebrate the F-Type. Costumed Magneto, The White Queen and Khan (the lame one from Into Darkness, not the legendary original from Wrath of said same) mingled with the beautiful people and the richer folk who employ them while automotive journalists like me had a couple free drinks and little Beef Wellington appetizers.

Looking at the F-Type is pleasurable enough, but the rapture is in the driving. So, I think I’ll do just that. In a couple weeks, I’ll be driving the new Jag on the Circuit of the Americas Formula One track in Austin. If I endure that brutal task, I’ll review the experience here.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy some additional images from the villainous Jaguar soiree below: