Skyrim Dev Bethesda Games Studio Won’t Reveal Its Next Title “Any Time Soon”

I don’t know if fans are chomping at the bit too hard just yet, but we now know thanks to Twitter that the next game from Bethesda Game Studios (the lead team at Bethesda behind such hits as Skyrim) is far from ready. So far, in fact, that not even an announcement is on the horizon.

Twitter user “Reaper” posed his question to Bethesda marketing exec Pete Hines, asking simply and honestly, “are we getting a Fallout 4 announcement at E3? Or Nah.”

Nah, brah. You’ll just have to wait. Hines replied:

1) I don’t really pre-announce our announcements. 2) BGS will not be talking about its next game for a long time.

When pressed further by the persistent Reaper, Hines elaborated.

We simply wanted people to know not to expect any kind of announcement any time soon. I don’t know for certain when it would be.

Not to be denied, Reaper then proceeded to compare Bethesda to Ubisoft, noting that the French publisher is pushing out Far Cry 4 just two years after the previous game’s success. Hines, probably a bit miffed, put an end to the conversation.

Listen, Reaper, you shut your mouth right now.

I kid, I kid — that’s not what he said. His real comments are below.

Good for them. Different teams, different types of games. It will take as long as it takes.

Nothing like a little bit of Twitter discourse to get your blood pumping, eh? Though it’s a bit disappointing that BGS won’t announce anything at E3, I can’t really blame them; you don’t craft enormous worlds like that of Skyrim overnight. We do know that whatever the team is working on has been in development for over a year, though, so maybe next year’s E3 is a more likely destination to reveal something.