Gamers don’t always pay much attention to commercials. With review scores, news, information, and general industry drama always so readily available, how could a commercial possibly change anyone’s opinion on anything?
The above is, of course, a minority view; a large percentage of the population still hear about games via ads and word of mouth alone. If the volume of commercials cropping up on cable networks and Hulu this year is anything to go by, major publishers aren’t expecting that to change anytime soon. We may as well embrace it.
As with any product, some ads are hilarious, some make you roll your eyes, and some are just plain-and-outright awesome. For convenience, we’ve gathered some of the best blockbuster game ads on TV this holiday season, sparing you the trouble of watching hours and hours of programming to find them. Hey, I’m not saying you can’t still watch hours and hours of TV — that’s entirely your prerogative.
Check out our collection of TV spots below, with included links to more info about the games in question. You’re no mindless, ad-watching drone, after all — you make your own buying decisions, dammit! At least, that’s what I want to believe. And I’m sticking with it.
Super Smash Bros: Characters Come to Life
By this point gamers are already in a frenzy over the impending Wii U version of Smash, but it’s important not to forget the running mate in the Wii U title’s long and arduous development cycle. Smash on 3DS is excellent, and though it’s not a pixel-perfect copy of a console experience, it feels and plays like Smash — and that’s what matters.
Nintendo is celebrating with three hilarious commercials, each depicting an everyday situation that can be “settled with Smash.” I’m partial to the second one myself, with the screaming ape-man on a bus who scares children. I’m pretty sure that kid would start crying had it been real life.
Grand Theft Auto V: A Winner Two Years in a Row
Public opinion over Rockstar’s re-release of Grand Theft Auto V for current-gen consoles seems, from what I can tell, pretty mixed. There are those who couldn’t be more thrilled that PS3 and Xbox 360’s swan-song is returning with new content and boosted visual fidelity, while others are already grumbling over the idea of paying for the same game twice. I fall 100% into the first category, and Rockstar’s trailer for Michael, Trevor, and Franklin’s Lost Santos return captures my excitement perfectly.
Humor, drama, weirdos — what more could you want in your GTA? The trailer evokes fond and funny memories for those who’ve already played, while conjuring plenty of “WTF?” moments for those who haven’t. Shockingly, both the alien scene and Michael hurtling through the sky in his undies make perfect sense in the context of the narrative. You’ll just have to play through the whole narrative this time to find out how.
Bayonetta 2: The Stiletto Wearing Witch is Back
Speaking of Wii U, Smash Bros. isn’t the only smash-hit on Nintendo’s recovering game-box this holiday. Bayonetta 2 has garnered immense critical acclaim around the internet throughout the past few weeks, and given the sparseness of 2014 as a whole (or rather, its knack for high-profile games that proved to be relative flops), it stands a legitimate chance to grab some Game of the Year awards come December and January.
Despite its slightly cheesy narration, Bayonetta 2’s TV spot captures all of its splendor and more — there’s even a stunning freeze-frame from when the stylish heroine clashes with a disloyal demon of her own summoning early in the game. I’m still not sure if mainstream audiences will be intrigued enough to give Bayonetta 2 a try, but I truly hope so. Platinum’s beloved action hero absolutely deserves it.
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor: Amassing Power
Ads that shove quotes from critics in your face have never been my favorite, but Shadow of Mordor finds a way to excite despite this. Maybe it’s the totally not-LotR-esque music, or the thrilling cuts of action, or just the fact that I’m already aware of the number of awesome beheadings the game contains. But I’m ready to double or triple my paltry 3 hours spent with the title as soon as possible.
If you’re wondering about some of these nasty killings yourself, we have the answer — in GIF form, no less! Take a look at these for an idea of what you can expect. Hey, Halloween is coming; if any game this Fall is going to inspire ideas for costumes on October 31st, it’s Shadow of Mordor.
<< 4 More Epic Holiday Commercials Await on Page 2! >>