There he is, Paul Bettany in all his glory, starring as Vision.
Created by Ultron to lead the Avengers into a deadly trap, this Android with a Solar Jewel packs a myriad of powers, hopefully all of which we’ll get to see in Avengers: Age of Ultron. What exactly can he do? Here’s a little list for ya, because everyone loves lists:
- Body density change (allows for flight or impenetrability)
- Microwave or Infrared radiation discharge beams
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Super agility
- Tactician / Strategist
- Analytical capabilities (he is an Android, after all)
Oh, and…Captain America trained him in CQC (close quarters combat). Whether the above info from the comics is fully represented in the final film, we can’t be sure, but let’s hope so. He is one formidable being.
Thanks to our friends at Cinema Blend for this Avengers update, and stay tuned for any last-minute info releases as we approach the movie’s debut on May 1st.