FIFA Corruption Scandal Continues as IT Data Seized from Sepp Blatter’s Office

Switzerland’s Attorney General office has today revealed that it has seized data from FIFA’s headquarters, including data from the offices of president Sepp Blatter, Secretary General Jerome Valcke and the organisation’s head of finance.

While the football governing body is denying that it was a raid,a statement from the office of the attorney general of Switzerland stated: “FIFA handed over today seized IT Data to the OAG… the OAG’s has opened criminal proceedings against persons unknown.”

The reports regarding this new development were made by BBC Sports’ news correspondent Jeremy Conway on Twitter, who revealed that Swiss investigators had told FIFA that “they had identified IT material needed for their 2018/22 inquiry,” with FIFA then cooperating and handing this information over.

It remains to be seen whether or not this data will implicate Sepp Blatter in the corruption scandal surrounding the organisation, with him having already stated that he will soon step down from his role as president when a successor is put in place. Despite this, he has yet to be formally linked by authorities to the arrests made last month, with it being suggested that he instead stepped down in order to distance himself from the ongoing investigation.

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