Ashley Greene Smokes Crack Maybe

Hey, remember when Ashley Greene‘s apartment burned down and her dogs died because of a “candle” because bitches love candles? Turns out she was smoking rock and I guess she was too high to see every was fire.

Ashley Greene’s apartment that burned to a crisp last year had one remnant … a crack pipe, according to a sworn statement by the building manager. TMZ broke the story … Ashley, her boyfriend and her brother were all sleeping in the unit when a fire broke out after a burning candle ignited some nearby fabric. All 3 fled, but one of her dogs died. The fire did extensive damage to a number of units and a number of tenants/owners are suing the “Twilight” star. The manager, Adrian Mayorga, is also suing, claiming he suffered permanent respiratory damage. According to his sworn deposition — obtained by TMZ — Mayorga says one of the men who cleared out the unit after the fire told him he found a glass crack pipe. Mayorga said, he was the first person in the hallway after the blaze broke out and says he saw Ashley and the others “disoriented … they looked like they were drunk or under the influence of something.” Mayorga also says in the depo … “The only people I saw getting treated was Ashley Greene, her brother Joe Green, and her — the current boyfriend, Ryan Phillippe.”

But, wait! PLOT TWIST! A “source close to Greene” (her PR team) says there was no crack pipe.

A source close to Greene bashed the manager’s statement, telling Us, “There was no crack pipe found in Ashley’s apartment. It’s all hearsay from unnamed sources — Mayorga’s claiming he heard from a friend of an unidentified worker who may have entered the apartment. Additionally, Phillippe went on the record saying he wasn’t there.”

Totally. It’s all just “hearsay from unnamed sources”. And by that they mean, “building manager on record in his sworn deposition”. The unnamed source is Adrian Mayorga. Like, his name is right there in the article. All her PR team has to do is Google “Ashley Greene crack pipe” and they can see his name. It’s really not that hard to find. Maybe their Internet is down or something.

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