There’s nothing like a super tiny girl trying to convince others she’s just like you; super inspirational.
A photo posted by Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) on
Fitness guru, and super popular Instagram user, Anna Victoria has reeled in 850K followers on her Instagram by posting fitness-related photos and trying to inspire others to get healthy.
And while many praise her fit body and aim to be just like her, Victoria thought she would post a photo showing off her “stomach rolls” in order to encourage others to love their body. Check out the photo below. This is Victoria at her worst. This is the photo she shared to seem relatable and to make you feel better about your body. Really think about that before you look at the photo.
Did you look long enough? Do you feel better about your body now? Does your “not flat” stomach seem totally reasonable now? I know mine does.
Hey, if that photo inspires people and encourages people to love their bod, it’s done its duty. But it’s rough witnessing a super fit girl trying to relate to us normal looking folks. (My stomach rolls would devour her stomach rolls for a light post-breakfast snack.)
But hey, some of her fans were actually very supportive (although I can’t tell if they were being sarcastic)

Let’s check out some more of Anna Victoria and let’s convince ourselves to go to the gym. (Nah.)
A photo posted by Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) on
A photo posted by Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) on
A photo posted by Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) on
h/t Someecards
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