Supreme Meme | “Bake America Cake Again” Hashtag Wins the Internet

Photo: Cake by @thehullpackage on Instagram.

Forget about polls and the popular vote. Forget about presidential candidates and the electoral college. Forget about blue and red states. “Bake America Cake Again” is one idea that can unite us all. The movement began last week when Sarah Kieffer of The Vanilla Bean Blog wanted to promote her new cookbook, released on Election Day. She, in cahoots with her husband and The Faux Martha, created the hashtag #bakeamericacakeagain and encouraged bakers to tag pictures of their pastries on Instagram.

There are currently over 100 frosted creations on Instagram bearing the hashtag and the number continues to grow as America comes to grips with the 2016 election results. Whether you’re celebrating your candidate’s victory or comfort eating to quell your disappointment, these sweet #bakeamericacakeagain pics will provide you with baking inspiration and a visual sugar rush. As Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake.” Politics can wait.


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