2016 Island of Misfit Gifts Guide | 11 Last Minute Gifts

Most news outlets that gather, review or otherwise cover items for gift guides around the holidays — for either online or print publication — have to juggle multiple types of gear and try to schedule all the possible entrants to the right guide at the right time. There’s a tiny army writing these guides around here as fast as all the review fodder flows into the door.

What doesn’t end up in these guides is a collection of very cool gifts that either came in too early or too late to find a spot in a guide, or, alternatively, they just didn’t really fit one of the preset category. All of it is still E-ticket material. We’re not talking a Charlie in the Box, a squirt gun that shoots grape jelly or a “Don’t Let Your Meat Loaf” puffy trucker hat.

Also: 2016 Audio Gadgets Gift Guide | Do You Hear What I Hear?

Right here, all of those unjustly orphaned items are getting their own dedicated gifts guide — a last minute holiday potpourri that smells like money instead of stale pine trees. It all makes for a sort of a gift-buying special forces unit, and no gifts will be left behind on our watch.

Our first wild car is the Double Agent Magnetic Cufflinks set from Exuvius (seen above). These guys like to put a cool secret agent slant on men’s fashion accessories. They make cufflinks that hide an extra shirt button in case you lose one. These Double Agent Cufflinks apply to the french cuffs before the shirt goes on your back. They then use magnets to bring their halves together more easily. Finally, you can swap fashionable magnetic caps to fit  your wardrobe.

For a longer stroll through our Island of Misfit Gifts, dust the snow off the gallery below.

11 Last Minute Gifts:






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