Women’s March Protester Asks the Internet to Help Her Find Mystery “#EqualityBae”

A protester in London’s very own version of the Women’s March requested that the internet help her find “#EqualityBae,” the name she had given to a man she met during the England capital’s variation on the widespread US protest.

Sophie Stummvoll posted a plea to her Facebook friends to help her find her mystery crush, who was photographed at the Women’s March holding a sign that read “FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!” on the front and “YOU’RE EITHER NORMAL OR SEXIST” on the back. In a post to the protest’s Facebook page, Sophie wrote: “So I was too shy to say anything to you during the march, but to the lovely and tall gentleman leading the chant for equality and graciously holding up “FUCK THE PATRIARCHY” I have a bit of a crush on you and should you ever be interested in discussing any of the above matters with me (pictured bottom left) my inbox is open!”

She also posted the following image of the man in question:

Although some people raised concerns that posting the man’s photo was a violation of his privacy, it worked out well for Sophie after Facebook users quickly began referring to him as “equality bae,” leading to the creation of the hashtag #findequalitybae. Soon enough, the man was identified as Morgan Edward Davies, with him being tagged in post. Morgan even has his own video of him leading a chant at the march:

With this new information, Sophie made the first move and messaged Morgan on Facebook, telling him that his “sign was amazing,” adding: “If you ever wanted to grab a drink or something let me know.” Morgan dutifully responded, accepting her request for a date:


If there’s ever been a more 2017 love story than a man and woman meeting while the guy holds a sign reading fuck the patriarchy, I don’t think I’ve heard it.

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