Woman Realizes ‘Dust’ Is Actually Huge Spider With Team Of Babies, Twitter Freaks

Photo: CHellya (Getty)

I’m not the cleanest dude around, but I do like to keep things tidy. And I hope that the majority of people who read this don’t like a ball of “dust” to form in the corner of their ceiling like the woman in this story did. Oh, and heads up, it wasn’t actually dust.

The woman, named Lydia, took it to Twitter to share with the internet world photos of what she originally thought was just a ton of dust in the corner of her ceiling. But what it really turned out to be was just a massive spider and all her freaking babies.

Take a look at the tweet below.

Here’s a closer look.

Photo: Twitter

An even closer look…

Photo: Twitter

Holy mother of God.

This gal lives in the UK for all of you wondering. And if you were also wondering, Twitter freaked the hell out at this.

But it looks like Lydia’s dad took care of business.

On second thought…

Perhaps Lydia should just dust once in a while.


No, no, no: Study States That Spiders Could Devour All Humans In One Year’s Time