Woman is shouting at his husband

Science Confirms It: Being In A Relationship Makes You Fat

Photo: bowie15 (Getty)

Anyone that has ever been in a relationship knows that most of the time you find yourself eating and sitting down, and that’s why everyone’s always says that being in a relationship makes you gain weight. Well science has now confirmed it.

Thanks to a new study done at the University of Queensland in Australia, we now know that being shacked up to someone will help you pack on the pounds. Researchers analyzed 10 years worth of data from over 15,000 people and found that couples in relationships weighed an average of 5.8kg (12 pounds) more than folks who are single. The study also revealed that couples had a weight gain of 1.8kg (four pounds) per year.

Here’s what the researchers said:

“Marriage (or de-facto relationships) comes with spousal obligations such as regular family meals. While they may include more healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and less fast food, people often consume larger portion sizes and more calories in the company of others than they do alone, resulting in increased energy intake.

Marriage and cohabiting also carry the potential for encouraging unhealthy behaviors, as couples often perform behaviors like eating, watching TV, and drinking alcohol together.”

The LADbible

The researchers did find that couples tend to eat more fruit and veg, and are less likely to smoke or drink to excess, but it did suggest that people in relationships may feel they no longer need to watch their weight because they’re no longer on the prowl for a mate.

Lead author Dr Stephanie Schoeppe told New Scientist magazine: “When couples don’t need to look attractive and slim to attract a partner, they may feel more comfortable in eating more, or eating more foods high in fat and sugar.”

So if you needed more of a reason to be single, here it is: you’re going to get a tad more fat. Then again, I enjoy being a lazy slob whether I’m single or not, so perhaps this study doesn’t pertain to me.


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