dating rituals

13 Old-Fashioned Dating Rituals Most of You Have Oddly Never Heard of

They’re called “the good old days” because they were good. And dating was better back then, too. There were socially-sanctioned norms and rituals associated with meeting (and mating with) new people that make way more sense than the ever-changing dating trends and terms today. You’d know what level your relationship was at and where it was headed without having to have a tortured “Where is this going?” conversation. Parents were involved from the get-go (we know, it sounds awful, but hear us out). And couples kept their clothes on longer, which increased the sexual tension and keep things interesting longer. You may have never heard of these old-fashioned dating rituals, but we sure would like some of them to make a comeback.

Cover Photo: Hemera Technologies (Getty Images)

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