hot toddy
Warm Whiskey Hot Toddy Cocktail on a Bar

Every Trick in the Bartender Handbook to Properly Celebrate National Hot Toddy Day

There’s no better way to give Old Man Winter the middle finger than to fix yourself a hot toddy and sip it in front of the fireplace. If you haven’t tried this winter survival strategy yet, let Jan. 11, National Hot Toddy Day, be your excuse.

On top of being a downright delicious combination of hot water, lemon juice, honey, and Scotch whisky, the tasty adult beverage been hailed for its medicinal qualities for years. Dewar’s even had advertisements touting the whisky’s cold and flu curing abilities, especially when made into a warm, therapeutic hot toddy.

No matter what ails you this winter, a hot toddy is always the answer. Sure, you can whip one up fairly easily with a few simple ingredients and a decent whisky, but there are a handful of bartender tricks we’ve compiled to make sure you make the best toddy possible. Check them all out below as well as the one trick we’ve saved for last that will make or break your hot toddy.

Photo: bhofack2 (Getty Images)

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