Photo: Cavan Images (Getty Images)
You might not realize it, but there’s a reason your local gym is filled with strangers for the first few weeks of January every year. Luckily, these new people standing in front of the wall-sized mirrors while they take selfies holding weights will be gone by the middle of the month. The reason they even showed up in the first place is because they, like many, have decided to make a New Year’s resolution. In this case, they’ve resolved (and then given up) to join a gym and get in better shape.
But, starting a workout regime isn’t the only cliché resolution people seem to make every single year only to forget about within a few weeks. There are numerous ridiculous (because they’re never actually going to do them) New Year’s resolutions. Below, we ranked the top ten in order of most to least likely achievement. Keep scrolling to see how many of yours are on this list.
Ranked! NY Resolutions
10) Drink more water.
You might surprised to hear it, but drinking water is really good for your health. Drinking more water can help with weight loss, give you more energy, and is even good for your skin. It’s kind of a silly resolution. Just drink more water. It comes right out of the tap.
9) Learn a new skill.
Even if you’re out college, you can (and should) still learn new skills. This isn’t the toughest resolution because you should be learning and growing as a person. If you need a New Year’s resolution to push you learn origami or how to crochet, you have more problems that need to be addressed.
8) Go vegan or vegetarian.
This one is silly because, as an adult, you shouldn’t need a reason to eat more vegetables. Throw a side of broccoli, green beans, or cauliflower alongside that steak and call it good. It’ll make the meat taste even better. You’ll miss meat and cheese too much.
7) Read more.
If you’re the type of person who never reads anything more enlightening than a magazine, we feel sorry for you. To grow and learn, you should make time to read. Fiction, non-fiction, self-help, whatever. You shouldn’t need a resolution to read.
6) Learn to meditate.
When we see people meditation in movies and TV shows it looks pretty cool, right. Well, most of us don’t have the time or patience to actually do it. Don’t make this a goal, we know you’re never going to actually do it for longer than thirty seconds.
5) Cut out red meat.
If you’re a big fan of steak and potatoes, you’re wasting your time trying to cut out red meat. We’re sure you’ll have a great January where your bowels don’t feel like their full of cement, but you’ll succumb to the meaty siren song by early February.
4) Spend less money.
This is the most vague, lame New Year’s resolution. What does this even mean? How much less money? How about instead deciding to pick a budget and implement it. That way you won’t forget about your desire to save money the next time a hot new pair of sneakers is dropped.
3) Work out every day.
First of all, you shouldn’t work out every day. Your body needs a chance to heal and rest. Secondly, nobody goes from not working out at all to working out every day. That’s just crazy. It’s not going to happen.
2) No more doom scrolling.
For the unaware, doom scrolling consists of scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or other social media sites reading negative news and comments. We all know you can’t stop so why waste your time making it a resolution to do so?
1) Run a marathon.
Maybe you watched a movie where someone went from couch potato to marathon runner, and it made you want to try it. We suggest you don’t. That was a movie. This is real life and you should make a goal of running around your block instead.