Miles Morales Is Marvel’s New Spider-Man

In 2011, writer Brian Michael Bendis created the Miles Morales Spider-Man in part as an answer to the negative response that Donald Glover received when he expressed interest in playing Spider-Man for Sony’s feature films.

The Peter Parker of the Ultimate Universe was killed off, and Miles served as his successor. Miles also happened to be half-black and half-Puerto Rican, which made him the first Spider-Man of color within Marvel’s multiverse. But now, Miles Morales is moving to Marvel’s main universe and supplanting Peter Parker.

According to The New York Daily News, Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli are launching a new Spider-Man series with Miles in the title role, and original Spider-Man, Peter Parker serving as Miles’ mentor. This would have been a surprise, but Marvel spoiled Miles’ destiny a few months ago by revealing his membership in the All-New, All-Different Avengers.

“Many kids of color who when they were playing superheroes with their friends, their friends wouldn’t let them be Batman or Superman because they don’t look like those heroes but they could be Spider-Man because anyone could be under that mask,” said Bendis while speaking with The New York Daily News. “But now it’s true. It’s meant a great deal to a great many people.”

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Bendis also related what it meant for him to see his four year old, African-American daughter identify with Miles in the toy isle of a store. “I realized my kids are going to grow up in a world that has a multi-racial Spider-Man, and an African American Captain America and a female Thor.”

Before anyone freaks out about this, remember that Marvel has pulled this stunt many times before, particularly with Iron Man and Captain America. The replacement characters tend to stick around in new roles, but the original characters always come back to their primary roles.


Because as much as Marvel would love to tout its progressiveness, it is still a business. To maintain and grow sales, Marvel still has to generate media interest for its ongoing superhero line. Miles Morales is popular and he does have a following. But does anyone really expect Miles to permanantly replace Peter Parker as Spider-Man when Peter Parker is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Captain America: Civil War next year?

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Female Thor has a better chance of continuing to supplant the original Thor as long as her title continues to outsell his run. But the second that sales drop, Marvel will proudly bang the drum for the return of the Odinson as Thor reclaims his hammer.

What do you think, CraveOnline readers? Are you happy to see Miles Morales in the main Marvel Universe? And how long do you think it will be before Peter Parker has his own Spider-Man book again? Let us know in the comment section below!

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