Shorn Identity | Rodrigo Diaz of GOA Skincare

Rodrigo Diaz of GOA Skincare has created a lifestyle skincare brand that’s changing the faces (quite literally) of men everywhere.  Here, we chat with him about his inspiration, philosophy, and his awesome “ah-ha!” moment when it came to creating his brand.

What’s your skincare philosophy?

Aging signs have always been one of the main concerns for men, so why not embrace what ails it? With high impact skincare committed to eliminate these signs, their daily life changes. Skincare should affect a lifestyle for the better and help men to become their ultimate self.

What inspired you to create GOA?

Traveling throughout the world and meeting people from a variety of backgrounds, I listened to them speaking about the same common issues (affecting their skin), with habits such as drinking, smoking, and lack of sleep. These vices were not only impacting their health but also how they saw themselves in the mirror. They noticed changes with their skin that disrupted their lifestyle. GOA Skincare was not only created to help men understand the impact that these vices have, but how to be able to avoid the physical repercussions. These vices are a part of everyone as everyone has at least one. Why should men change what they love most if it is not life threatening? And why disrupt what makes them successful? GOA teaches men about the impact of the vices, but encourages them to continue doing what they love in moderation.

When was that moment you knew you had a great concept and how did you take it to the next level?

The moment was at 6:30AM waking up off the coast of GOA, India with a few friends. Beige suit in hand, walking back to the hotel, it hit me like the 120 degree heat. There was no product for this fast paced lifestyle. The bold, the busy, the men and women who need to look young and fresh when getting into their 9 am meeting after an event or party the night before. 

Taking it to the next level was a series of fortunate events: focus, cut-throat obstacles, and family supporters. Having studied biochemistry in college, I had the knowledge to create formulas and concepts behind killing the negative effects of excess habit.

I would have to say the Anti-Vice Face Set, which includes the top-guns of the collection. It is a complete regenerating routine for damaged goods from drinking, smoking, and fatigue. What makes the set different from other product sets is that it includes an ingredient called Dark Phyto-matter, which provides a powerful system to deliver active ingredients, vitamins and nutrients to the skin.

What do you think is the biggest mistake men make when it comes to taking care of their skin?

The biggest mistake is simply not using any skin care products. 54% of American men use some sort of skin care product, but about 70% say they are concerned with a skin issue. I believe the fault lies within the industry. There is no lifestyle for skincare, no real connection to men, and that is why I am attacking this area to create a dedicated skin and grooming solutions brand for men.