Sign Up Now! Writers Wanted For ‘Mandatory College’

Be the voice of your campus!

Mandatory seeks volunteer contributors to write content for Mandatory College. We want you to tell us about the best cheap eats, the most underrated hangout spots, clever campus life hacks, and anything else that sets your school apart.

What you’ll do:

  • Suggest topics you want to write about (or choose from our topics)
  • Write two articles per week
  • Input your content into our WordPress CMS

What you’ll get:

  • A byline
  • Published articles you can show off to your friends, family, and future employers
  • Feedback and coaching on your writing from publishing industry pros
  • Consideration for paid opportunities (after 90 days of consistent, quality work in the program)

You must be currently enrolled in a college or university to be a Mandatory College contributor; however, we do have opportunities for non-college students as well.

Contact us at to get started!

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