This Video Of A Caterpillar Coming Out Of A Take-Out Pizza Might Make You Barf

Photo: vadimguzhva (Getty)

As much as we love pizza and all those pizza chains, even this video is a tad too much for us, as it’s going to make your stomach weak, that’s for sure.

So here’s what happened: Tia Neylan, a 16-year-old from the UK was pretty damn happy to go nuts on her take-out pizza from Express Pizzeria, but her feelings of joy went down the drain fairly quickly when she noticed what looks like a caterpillar making its way out of the pizza.

Yep, obviously a pretty damn gross thing to find in your pizza. Take a look at the video below, and try not to feel too squeamish.

And obviously Tia took it to Facebook to warn others of this disgusting find.

And here’s what Tia had to say to Gazette Live.

I literally just threw up everywhere. I even had a little break down. As you can imagine, it was obviously a shock for me and my family. I didn’t even notice it until I’d taken a bite from a slice. I looked at the pizza in the box, as you do, and there it just was wiggling around.

Express Pizza’s owner, Mr. Bashir had his own take on the incident.

When I watched the video, I was upset because for an insect to survive 400 degrees—that is impossible,” the owner. Some people have said it was already in the box but insects don’t survive this environment.

Well, he does have a point, so chances are this bug found its way into the box while it was on its way to Tia’s house. But regardless, it’s still pretty damn gross, and enough to make anyone lose their appetite.

h/t Someecards

More grossness: The Grossest Things Fast Food Employees Have Done To Food

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