Idiot Almost Loses Arm After Jumping Into Crocodile Infested Waters To Impress Girl

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Next time just hold the door open for her. That might do the trick. Plus you’ll get to keep your arm.

People enjoy playing with fire, and more often than not they get burned. Just ask the dude who stuck his head in a crocodile’s mouth, and of course had a horrible conclusion. And apparently the idiot below didn’t see that video because he thought it would be a brilliant idea to jump into crocodile infested waters.

Screengrab: YouTube

Lee De Paauw, an 18-year-old fool from Australia, tried to impress 24-year-old British backpacker Sophia Paterson by trying to successfully wrestle a crocodile. But unforunately for Paauw a crocodile sunk his jaws into his arm and almost ripped it off. Paauw claims to have punched the croc in the face, allowing him to break his arm free.

The incident kicked off after Paauw and Paterson were having drinks, and Paterson dared him to jump into the Johnstone River in the far north of Queensland. She of course was joking, but Paauw, hoping to get laid, went for it, and of course, it did not go well.

Bail: Video: Couple Attacked By Crocodile In Hotel Pool, Guy Completely Bails On Woman

“I did not know there was a crocodile there. I just done it for Sophie,” Paauw told Nova FM’s Fitzy and Wippa.

Photo: YouTube

But was the croc dive worth it? Here’s what Paterson herself had to say:

“Being attacked by animals doesn’t really do it for me.” Damn. But even with that, Paterson has still agreed to give the idiot another shot, and has agreed to a movie date. Here’s hoping they see Lake Placid.

Photo: Facebook

So Paauw keeps his arm and also gets another date. Well, I guess that’s one way to get a girl.

Check out Paauw and Paterson’s interview below.

h/t Nine News