North Dakota Woman’s Racist Rant Goes Viral And Now She’s Been Fired From Her Job

Screenshot: Facebook

Let me first start off by saying that this incident occurred at a Walmart parking lot in Mapleton, proving once again that nothing good every happens in a Walmart.

Amber Hensley was captured on camera in the midst of a racist verbal attack against three Somali women, saying, “we’re going to kill every one of you Muslims.” A rant that began when one of the Somali women parked too close to Hensley’s car.

Hensley wasn’t done there as she also had this to say, “Why are you in our country anyway? Why are you in our country anyway?”

The woman filming Hensley, Sarah Hassan, says she will show the video to police, to which Hensley replies, “police won’t care.” Hassan shared the incident on her Facebook.

You can take a look at the exchange below.

This video has of course gone viral, and now Hensley is apologetic. But only because everyone is seeing the type of person she really is.

NY Daily News 

Hensley alleges she became enraged after the women called her fat and said, “f–k Jesus.”

“I lost my cool,” she said in a statement to KVRR. Hensley says she regrets her actions and wishes to apologize to the women whom she harassed.

“I would first like to apologize for the horrible things I said to the two ladies at Walmart. It was not a Christian-like thing to do at all and wish I could take it back,” she said. “I am terribly sorry.” Hensley wishes that the whole incident had been recorded, she said.

She alleges that Hassan parked her car “way too close” to hers, preventing her from getting in her vehicle.

“When I asked her to move she refused, I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat b—h, to that I informed her that I was a Christian and asked her if she knew who Jesus was, she said ‘f–k Jesus’ and I lost it!” Hensley said in the statement. “But there are absolutely no excuses. I am in tears with regret and will take any form of punishment deemed fit.”

Her punishment? Getting bashed by the internet and losing her job. Hensley worked as a secretary for Horab & Wentz, and this is what they had to say.

“Horab & Wentz does not agree with or support the statements expressed by Amber Hensley in the recently posted video. Ms Hensley is no longer employed with Horab & Wentz effective immediately. “

Good luck getting another job, lady.

And then we have this tool: High School Student Loses His Mind, Goes On Bizarre Racist Rant Against Teacher

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