Metallica May Play for Mariano Rivera … at Yankee Stadium Most Craved: Ya know, he probably deserves every bit of this.
Star Trek Cinematographer to Shoot Star Wars Episode VII on Film — No Digital Most Craved: Abrams is getting the band back together.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Most Craved: Pretty good for a 45 year old kids ride.
Free to Play WoW Might be Coming Most Craved: Seeing the faces of those players who have dropped thousands on this game.
Dad Asks Son to Hold Beer at Cardinals Game, Hilarity Ensues Most Craved: Wow, don't mess with Arizona.
Avengers: Age of Ultron May Conjure Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch Most Craved: Chaos magic never looked this sexy.
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Draws Positive First Impressions in Test Screenings Most Craved: It's kind of a big deal.