Rocky Reborn: Fruitvale Station Director, Star Plan Apollo Creed Movie with Stallone Most Craved: Seriously, we were blindsided by this one.
VIDEO: Fourteen Minutes of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Most Craved: By the time this has come out, will we have seen the entire game? Nah.
Batman vs. Superman or Superman vs. Batman?; Man of Steel 2 Title Under Discussion Most Craved: The "versus" part is especially interesting.
New Amazing Spider-Man 2 Images Show Electro, Rhino and More Most Craved: Here's hoping Electro really doesn't look anything like Mr. Freeze on film.
Aaron Rodgers Puts $8.5 Million on Ryan Braun’s Innocence Most Craved: Braun is going to need all the friends he can find.
Mad Hatter Revealed for Batman: Arkham Origins Most Craved: They could seriously make some of these B-level villains into true threats for a younger Batman.
New X-Men: Days of Future Past Posters Most Craved: They changed a few little details from the comic story, but we have faith.
Thor Writers for Star Trek 3? J.J. Abrams Leaving Star Wars? Most Craved: This is beyond good news, bad news. This is more like good news, disasterous news.