Guess What Happened When This Moron Popped A Wheelie At 100 MPH

I mean, let’s be honest: If he executes it properly, then we’re not doing a story on it.

According to Huffington Post, a moron on a crotch rocket who thankfully had enough sense to don a helmet to go along with his T-shirt and shorts combo thought it would be a good idea to pop a wheelie while traveling in excess of 100 MPH on a Canadian highway.

It was not.

Geez. Let’s hope that wasn’t his favorite shirt.

The dude’s bike was totaled thanks to him momentary act of lunacy, but who gives a shit? He is lucky to be alive much less walking around in the immediate aftermath of that disaster.

These dicks littered in front of the wrong badass woman on wheels: Watch This Girl On A Motorcycle Throw Trash Back At A Bunch Of Litterers To Teach Them A Lesson