Woman Gets Head Stuck Between Two Subway Doors And Of Course No One Helped

Photo: Instagram

New York can be a tough town, but it can be extremely tough if you struggle with simple things like, you know, getting off of a subway car before the doors close on your neck.

Well, according to the New York Post, one poor lady found out the hard way that life really can be quite the bitch if the announcement that the train has made its final stop and everybody needs to exit takes more than just a few seconds to sink in.

The woman found herself wedged between the doors of a No. 4 train at Tuesday afternoon after the train had reached the end of the line at the Woodlawn station in the Bronx. Once she realized that she needed to get off the train, she beelined it toward the doors, but it was obviously too late, as the doors came to a close on pretty much the worst place possible: her neck.

Luckily for us, a passerby decided to record the poor woman in her rather unfortunate situation instead of rushing to her aid or calling for help. I mean, otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to see that it actually happened.

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Naturally, the fact that nobody in the video stopped by to help the woman in distress has wrecked the panties of pretty much everybody on the World Wide. However, everyone can relax knowing that help arrived a short while later, and the woman was freed from her temporary hell.

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