Somebody Hacked Into All 156 Tornado Sirens In Dallas And Set Them Off At The Same Time

Photo: via Washington Post

Hacking into construction signs so they read “POOP” or finding your way around Ashley Madison’s excuse for security to expose a ton of sleaze balls crushing puss while they’re away from their loved ones? OK, we can see the humor in that.

Setting off all 156 emergency sirens in Dallas just before midnight on a Friday night? Yeah, that can be somewhat funny as well. Unless you live in Dallas, of course.

According to The Washington Post, somebody hacked into the city of Dallas’s emergency weather sirens and set them off for more than 90 minutes late Friday night. That means all 1.3 million residents, whether they were clubbing, sitting at home watching Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World or, I don’t know, sleeping, experienced this:

Again, that’s what it sounded like for more than 90 minutes. Here’s another clip of it in case you didn’t get the gist of it the first time around.

Outside of being a creative way to annoy the hell out of Dallas residents, the hack also exposed the vulnerability of the city’s emergency system. Officials said they’ve determined how they were hacked, but they’re still looking into who was responsible for it.

So was setting off the city’s weather sirens a funny prank? Sure. Well, unless there’s a tornado that rips through the city next week and nobody believes the sirens this time around. Then probably not.

Honk if you are wearing a thong: We Fully Support The Hacked Street Signs Movement