This Bizarre Video Of A Woman Giving Mouth-To-Mouth To A Pigeon Is Freaking Everyone Out

Photo: Twitter

Lady, it’s a rat with wings.

If you thought watching a goose go nuts on a police officer was bizarre, that is nothing compared to this video that was captured in Glasgow, Scotland. But what makes this video so bizarre? Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the woman giving mouth-to-mouth to a damn pigeon.

Being from New York, I see pigeons every day, so there are a part of everyday living. But I have never seen what this woman was doing. Check out the crazy video below thanks to Twitter user, Charlotte.

Oh god, that ending. I know there are people who love animals, and so do I, but think of the damn diseases. And it only got worse for that poor bird.

Well, circle of life?

And the internet didn’t really know what in the hell to make of this video. Check out some of the reactions below.

And I don’t know how to feel about all this either. Just a very, very strange situation all around.

h/t Someecards

Just another dead pigeon: And Here’s A Guy Getting Nailed In The Throat By A Pigeon While Riding Europe’s Faster Roller Coaster


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