Lion Tamer Gets Mauled By Lion And Once Again I Have No Pity

Photo: Facebook

Just a few months ago I told you about the lion who attacked a circus trainer who was snapping at him with a stick. I also told you I didn’t feel bad for the guy at all. And guess what? We have another similar incident below and once again I can’t say that I feel very bad for this dude.

The incident occurred during the Buffalo Circus show in Doullens, France, in front of an audience filled with children. The 30-year-old trainer can be seen being attached by the lion, who is clearly pissed off about being kept in a cage, so of course he acts accordingly.

Check out the crazy video below thanks to Facebook.

Lion Tamer Gets Mauled By Lion And Once Again I Have No Pity

The trainer suffered from severe throat injuries due to the lion’s claws, and had to be flown to the hospital by helicopter. As for the tiger, chances are he will be put down, which is just absurd.

And here’s what a mother of a child in the audience had to say about all this:

“It is my six-year-old girl who screams in the video – she cried all night.”

Eh, she will be OK. Maybe she will learn that keeping animals locked in cages isn’t the way to go. So yeah, it’s a life lesson.


Another guy I don’t fee sorry for: Here’s A Matador Getting 11 Inches Of A Bull’s Horn Up His Ass