E3 2017’s Top 10 Most Exciting Announcements

All the E3 2017 press conferences have now been wrapped up, with Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA and Ubisoft showing off all the games we can expect to get our hands on over the course of the next two years or so.

This E3 was relatively tame compared to previous years, with there only being a few truly surprising new announcements made over the course of its opening days. With various leaks having already spoiled a selection of the big reveals, we were mostly treated to extended footage of games that had already been unveiled, or trailers for games that we had already anticipated would be announced.

Also: Sony vs Microsoft vs Nintendo: Who Had the Best E3 2017?

However, while E3 2017 didn’t exactly provide the megaton of news we’ve come to expect from the annual expo, there were still various games debuted that captured our attention. Cutting down on internet-breaking reveals in the vein of Final Fantasy VII: Remake and Shenmue III may have led to an overall less interesting E3, but it did mean that we got to see plenty more of games that don’t feel like distant pipe dream. One thing’s for sure: 2018 is shaping up to be a great year for video games.

The following slideshow contains our rundown of the very best fresh announcements that were made during the expo, from unexpected new entries in iconic series through to brand new IPs:

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