R. Kelly Is Allegedly Holding Women Against Their Will As Part Of His ‘Sex Cult’

Photo: Santiago Felipe/WireImage (Getty)

Everyone has always known that singer R. Kelly is a big pile of garbage, but this story takes his scummy ways to a whole new level.

In a jaw-dropping news report by BuzzFeed, the 50-year-old is being accused of actually brainwashing young women as part of some creepy “sex cult.” Here’s what the mother of one of the women told BuzzFeed about the last time she saw her daughter way back in December 2016.

“It was as if she was brainwashed. [She] looked like a prisoner — it was horrible. I hugged her and hugged her. But she just kept saying she’s in love and [Kelly] is the one who cares for her. I don’t know what to do. I hope that if I get her back, I can get her treatment for victims of cults. They can reprogram her. But I wish I could have stopped it from happening.”

R. Kelly Is Allegedly Holding Women Against Their Will As Part Of His ‘Sex Cult’

Photo: Noam Galai (Getty)

There’s more to this sick story. Three former member’s of “Kelly’s inner circle,” Cheryl Mack, Kitti Jones, and Asante McGee revealed that there are a group of women living this way with the singer.

h/t Someecards

Those women told BuzzFeed that there are currently six women living in properties rented by Kelly in Chicago and the suburbs of Atlanta. Reportedly, Kelly controls every aspect of these women’s lives, including what they eat and where, and when they bathe and sleep. But the worst part is that he also forces the women to participate in sexual encounters, which he records.

According to the former members, Kelly calls the ladies his “babies,” and they, in turn, must call him “Daddy.” They are required to get his permission to leave their rooms in the “guest house” Kelly rents near his own mansion, which he also rents, in the suburbs of Atlanta. Kelly took the women’s cell phone, they claimed, and instead gave them new phones they can only use to contact him.

Well that’s horrifying.

Mack, Kelly’s former personal assistant, also revealed that the “I Believe I Can Fly” singer forces the women to dress in jogging suits to conceal their figure. Mack also says Kelly forces the women to look at the wall when other men are in the room with them.

According to another parent of one of the women, Kelly recruits these women with promises of helping their music careers.

“In the back of our minds, we were thinking [my daughter] could be around him if I was with her. It didn’t really hit home. Even with the Aaliyah situation, now that I think about it, “Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number” … but you don’t think about that. You grew up with the song, and you like the song.”

As of this moment R. Kelly or his camp have not commented, but it’s going to be tough to make up an excuse for this one. Kelly has always been and will always be a trash can on legs.

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