Here’s The Hilarious Moment A Dad Realizes He’s Filming The Wrong Girl At Daughter’s Graduation

Screenshot: Twitter/Georgia Wilde

You’d think after all these years he would know what his daughter looks like.

I don’t have any kids, but I’m sure having a son or daughter that graduates from college is a big deal and a proud moment. And it seems that Georgia Wilde’s dad Tony was so overtaken by emotion that he didn’t notice he was filming the wrong girl at Georgia’s graduation — and it was only until Georgia told him that he realized.

Photo: Facebook

The video below shared on Georgia’s Twitter shows Tony filming a girl make her way through procession at the University of the West of England only for Georgia to show up on screen and say: “That’s someone else.” Take a look.

Georgia’s dad laughs it off as he says, “I got carried away then. I was looking at the wrong one, weren’t I?”

Georgia later went on to reveal the irony in all this: “What’s ironic about this whole video is that I was graduating from a ‘filmmaking’ degree!”

The video has of course blown up since being shared as I’m sure Georgia’s dad reminds a lot of people of their own dopey dad.

h/t The Sun

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