10 Foot Python Kills Family Cat, Hides Under Boy’s Bed

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When we were kids we all thought there were monsters under the bed. Hell, I used to think someone was going to grab me by my feet and drag me to God knows where. And yet the boy in this story actually had what some might consider a monster: a ten foot python.

The boy’s mother, 42-year-old Thanapoom Lekyen from Thailand, got the shock of a lifetime when she found the family cat dead and with bite wounds outside her son’s bedroom. So what did she do? Well, Lekyen entered her son’s room only to get the hell out of there when she spotted what looked like a snake’s scales below the mattress. And that’s exactly what it was.

“I knew there was a problem and I shivered and my stomach was feeling sick,” Leyken said. “I was scared. I looked in my son’s bedroom and screamed when I saw something moving under the bed.”

Take a look at the video below to see just what Leyken saw, and to see all that it took to get the python out of there.

Luckily for the kid, he wasn’t sleeping in his bed that night so he avoided having the same fate as his poor cat.

Daily Star

After several attempts he [the animal expert] manages to get hold of its head before pulling it through the hall. The animal expert was left bleeding after his ordeal with the “very aggressive” snake.

He added: “A more powerful bite would be very, very dangerous.”

Rescuers were able to release the snake back into the wild unharmed, near the family’s home in Chaochoengsao, Thailand.

Well, the snake was released back into the wild, but the family still needs a new cat. In other news, I’m going to check under my bed tonight. Kidding. I’m not kidding.

And then there’s this woman: Woman Shoots Python After She Finds It Eating One Of Her Goats (Graphic)


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