Dump Truck Flips On Highway After Smashing Into Sign With Raised Bed

Screenshot: Facebook/Carlos Escobedo

Note to driver: make sure the bed of your truck isn’t raised before hitting the streets again.

And it’s too bad that the driver of this truck didn’t write that note to himself because you can clearly tell by the video below that this would have all been avoided if only he had remembered to lower his truck bed. The video, filmed by Carlos Escobedo, shows an 18-wheel dump truck on a Houston, Texas highway driving like nothing is wrong. Well, something becomes wrong very quickly as the bed of his truck hits a highway sign, causing his truck to flip.

Check out the video below to see the chaos this truck caused for drivers.

Dump Truck Flips On Highway After Smashing Into Sign With Raised Bed

What a mess. According to ABC13 Houstonthe condition of the driver is unknown. It also took crew hours to clean up the mess, which probably led to a massive headache for drivers who were stuck in the traffic jam.

Well, here’s hoping that everyone was at least OK when it was all said and done.

h/t The Drive

And then there’s this mess: A Turkey Crashed Through An SUV On The Highway And The Aftermath Is Nuts