Actors Who Are Doing Awesome Things Outside Of Movies That Somehow Make You Feel Even More Worthless

Photo: TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA / Staff (Getty)

We can’t all be all things, except these actors who are doing awesome things outside of TV and movies. It’s bad enough we’re just a bunch of boring weirdos who Snapchat and Skype (people still do that right?) all day, but these role models are out there risking their lives to bring us quality entertainment. And when they’re done with that, they go out and do random acts of kindness to make us look even worse.

So the next time you’re binging hard on TV or spending too much money at the movies, think about these awesome actors who are out there working ungodly hours, then somehow manage to pull off their own Good Samaritan stories, give out unlicensed life-changing advice or just do plum awesome things like renovate old castles and film it.

Bet that makes you feel pretty pathetic, knowing that just this morning, you woke up covered in sweat and drool 40 minutes after your alarm went off and contemplated which filter you were going to use on your photos today.

Actors Who Are Doing Awesome Things Outside of Movies That Somehow Make You Feel Even More Worthless

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